More About The Happiness Habit


What’s Inside

  • Over 60 pages describing 31 daily practices for reprogramming your brain towards making happiness a habit.
  • All practices are categorized under one of the four “reminders” for living a happy life as discussed in Authentic Happiness in Seven Emails, making this ebook a perfect “workbook” compliment.
  • Each practice is described within context, with excerpts from Authentic Happiness in Seven Emails provided for clarity. 
  • Over 70 inspirational quotes included throughout.


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  1. Cite the source:
  2. Do not modify the book or file when distributing.
  3. Do not use the book or file commercially.

The Happiness Habit by Javy W. Galindo is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Attribution Javy W. Galindo September 2014



About Javy W. Galindo

headshot_large_circleJavy Wong Galindo, M.A., M.Eng. is a college professor of philosophy, humanities, and psychology in Northern California. He is a popular instructor at John F. Kennedy University and De Anza College, located in the heart of Silicon Valley. This former electrical engineer and performing arts instructor is now most well-known for his engaging college courses and public talks. He is the author of The Power of Thinking Differently (2010) and Authentic Happiness in Seven Emails (2014). Learn more about Javy at